Category Archives: Debian
mpt-statusd: detected non-optimal RAID status
installing nodejs on debian squeeze ( 6.0)
configure: error: *** termcap support not found (on modern systems, this typically means the ncurses development package is missing)
configure: error: *** termcap support not found (on modern systems, this typically means the ncurses development package is missing)
aptitude install ncurses-dev
checking build system type… Invalid configuration `x86_64-unknown-linux’: machine `x86_64-unknown’ not recognized
how to migrate virtual machine from digitalocean vps
german keyboard layout linux
samba performance optimization
vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
end_request i/o error dev fd0 sector 0
It seems, a floppy module is loaded.Just unload it: rmmod floppy
500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()
During the setting up vsftpd(2.3.5-3) daemon in Debian Wheezy, I found the following error 500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot() when you try to open ftp connection to the server.This appears when chroot_local_user=YES option is enabled in /etc/vsftpd.conf
.Many people had the same problem.This is BUG which is already reported.We can fix this problem with additional patch.
vim /etc/apt/sources.list
deb wheezy-updates main non-free contrib
apt-get update
aptitude install -t wheezy-updates debian-cyconet-archive-keyring vsftpd
vim /etc/vsftpd.conf
service vsftpd restart
root@debian:~# dpkg -l | grep vsftpd
ii vsftpd 2.3.5-10~update.1 i386 lightweight, efficient FTP server written for security